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474, by Digital Games
800 Fathoms by US
Billiards Inc (1981)
Ajax, by Konami (1987)
All American Football
from The Leland Corporation (1989)
Alpine Ski by Taito
Anti Aircraft by Atari
Apache 3 by Data East
Arabian by Atari
Arch Rivals, by Bally
Midway (1989)
Assault, by Atari
Astro Invader, by
Stern Electronics, Inc (1980)
Atari 13-Inch Color
X-Y Display (1983)
Atomic Robo Kid, by
UPL (1988)
Attack, by Exidy
Avalanche, by Atari
Aztarac, by Centuri
Baby PM, by Midway
Badlands, by Atari
Bandido, by Exidy
Baseball, by Atari
Basketball, by Atari
Battle Wings, by Data
East (1984)
Beezer, by Intrepid
Biplane, by Fun Games
Birdie-King II, by
Taito (1983)
Black Widow, by Atari
Blaster, by Williams
Blueprint, by Midway
Bomb Jack, by Tehkan
Borderline, by Sega -
Gremlin (1981)
Bottom Of The 9th, by
Konami (1989)
Boxing Bugs, by
Cinematronics (1982)
Breakout, by Atari
Buck Rogers, by Sega
Canyon Bomber, by
Atari (1977)
Car Polo, by Exidy
Cassette System, by
Data East (1982)
Challenger, by Centuri
Change Lanes, by Taito
Cheyenne, by Exidy
Applications Programming Manual
Circus Charlie, by
Konami (1984)
Circus, by Exidy
Cobra Command, by Data
East (1989)
Combatribes, by
Technos (1990)
Computer Space, by
Nutting Associates (1972)
Cops N Robbers, by
Atari (1976)
Cosmic Alien, by
Universal (1980)
Cosmic Avenger, by
Universal (1981)
Cosmic Guerilla, by
Universal (1979)
Crash N Score, by
Atari (1975)
Crash, by Exidy (1979)
Crazy Balloon, by
Taito (1980)
Crazy Climber, by
Taito (1981)
Crossbow, by Exidy
Crusin, by Jaleco
Dambusters, by South
West Research (1982)
Danger Zone, by Leland
Dark Aventure, by
Konami (1986)
Dark Planet, by Stern
Death Race, by Exidy
Defender Setup, by
Williams (1980)
Defender Theory of
Demoliton Derby, by
Chicago Coin (1977)
Depthcharge, by
Gremlin (1977)
Desert Gun, by Midway
Destroyer, by Atari
Devastators, by Konami
Devil Zone, by
Universal (1980)
Dig Dug, by Atari
Digger, by Sega (1980)
Discs of Tron
(environmental), by Midway (1983)
Dominos, by Atari
Donkey Kong (TKG4), by
Nintendo (1981)
Donkey Kong Jr, by
Nintendo (1982)
Drag Race, by Atari
Dribbling, by Model
Racing (1983)
Electrohome G02
Electrohome G05
Electrohome G05
Electrohome G07
Elevator Action, by
Taito (1983)
Enigma II, by Game
Plan (1981)
Exerion, by Jaleco
Exterminator, by
Gottlieb (1989)
F15 Strike Eagle, by
Microprose (1990)
Fast Freddie, by Atari
Field Goal, by Taito
Final Lap, by Atari
Fire One, by Exidy
Fire Truck, by Atari
Flyball, by Atari
Flying Fortress, by
Electra (1976)
Fonz, by Sega (1976)
Football, by Atari
Frisky Tom, by
Nichibutsu (1981)
Future Flash, by
(Laser Base) Hoei (1980)
Galaga 88, by Atari
Galaxian, by Midway
Gaplus, by Bally
Gee Bee, by Gremlin
Got-Ya, by Game A Tron
Gran Trak 10, by Atari
Gran Trak 20, by Atari
Grand Champion, by
Taito (1981)
Gravitar, by Atari
Gun Fight, by Midway
Guzzler, by Centuri
Gyrus Conv Kit, by
Konami (1983)
Haunted Castle, by
Konami (1988)
Highway, by Atari
Hit Me, by Ramtek
Hustle, by Gremlin
Hyper Sports, by
Centuri (1984)
IGMO, by Magic
Conversions (1984)
Indoor Soccer, by
Indy 4, by Atari
Indy 800, by Atari
Inferno, by Meadows
Iron Horse, by Konami
Joust Instruction, by
Williams (1982)
Joust, by Williams
Kaos, by Game Plan
Karate Champ, by Data
East (1984)
Karnov, by Data East
Kicker, by Konami
Killer Comet, by Game
Plan (1981)
King And Balloon, by
Game Plan (1981)
Kram, by Taito (1982)
Krull, by Gottlieb
Lazarian, by Midway
Lazer Command, by
Meadows (1976)
LeMans, by Atari
Liberator, by Atari
Lil Hustler, by Dynamo
- Konami (1981)
Lock N Chase, by Taito
Lock On, by Data East
Loco-Motion, by
Centuri (1982)
Mad Alien, by Data
East (1980)
Magical Spot, by
Universal (1980)
Major Havoc Conv
TM268, by Atari (1983)
Major Havoc TG252, by
Atari (1983)
Major Havoc TM252, by
Atari (1983)
Mario Brothers, by
Nintendo (1983)
Martial Champions, by
Konami (1993)
Marvins Maze, by SNK
Marvin's Maze, by SNK
Matsushita 19 Inch
Mazer Blazer, by Atari
Meadows Lanes, by
Meadows (1977)
Mega Zone, by Konami
Megattack, by Game
Plan (1981)
Metamorphic Force, by
Konami (1993)
MIA, by Konami (1989)
Midway Service Notes
Midway Service Notes
Midway Service Notes
Midway8080 Standard
Test Procedures, by Midway
Mikie, by Konami
Missile Command, by
Atari (1980)
Mole Hunter, by Data
East (1980)
Monaco GP, by Sega
Monte Carlo, by Atari
Moo Mesa, by Konami
Moon Alien Pt 2, by
Nichibutsu (1980)
Moon Base, by
Nichibutsu (1980)
Moon Shuttle, by Taito
Mortal Kombat 2, by
Williams (1993)
Mortal Kombat, by
Williams (1992)
Motorola M7000
Motorola XM701-10
Mouse Trap, by Exidy
Mr Dos Castle, by
Universal (1983)
Mr. Do!, by Universal
MTC 9000
MTC 9110
Munch Mobile, by
Centuri (1983)
Mystic Marathon, by
Williams (1984)
NARC, by Williams
Naughty Boy, by
Cinematronics (1982)
New York, NY, by
Gottlieb (1980)
Night Driver, by Atari
No Mans Land, by
Gottlieb (1980)
Nova 2001, by UPL
N-Sub, by Sega (1980)
Omega Race, by Midway
Orbit, by Atari (1978)
Oscar, by Data East
P47, by Jaleco (1988)
Pac Man, by Midway
Pace Car Pro, by
Allied (1975)
Pacmania, by Atari
Paddle Battle, by
Allied (1973)
Pandoras Palace, by
Konami (1984)
Pepper II, by Exidy
Perfect Billards, by
Nihon Systems (1987)
Pin Pong, by Atari
Pit & Run, by Taito
Pleiades, by Centuri
Polaris, by Taito
Poolshark, by Atari
Pop Flamer, by Stern
Prof Pacman, by Bally
Pulsar, by Gremlin
Punch Out, by Nintendo
Pursuit, by Atari
QBerts Qubes, by
Mylstar (1984)
QIX, by Taito (1981)
Quarterback, by The
Leland Corporation (1986)
Quartet, by Sega
Quasar, by US
Billiards (1980)
Quiz Show, by Atari
Qwak, by Atari (1974)
Rabbit Punch, by
Midway (1987)
Race, by Fun Games
Radical Radial, by
Nichibutsu (1982)
Rally-X, by Midway
Rampage (3 Player), by
Bally (1986)
Rampart, by Atari
Rebound, by Atari
Red Alert, by GDI
Ring King, by Data
East (1985)
Rip Cord, by Exidy
Rip Off, by
Cinematronics (1980)
Road Blasters Steering
Assy, by Atari
Road Riot, by Atari
Road Runner, by Atari
Robot Bowl, by Exidy
Robotron, by Williams
Roc N Rope, by Konami
Roller Jammer, by
Nichibutsu (1984)
Rolling Thunder, by
Atari (1986)
Route 16, by Centuri
R-Type, by Nintendo
Rug Rats, by
Nichibutsu (1983)
Rygar, by Techmo
Sea Wolf II, by Midway
(1978 )
Seicross, by
Nichibutsu (1984)
Sente SAC-1, by Sente
Shark Attack, by Game
Plan (1981)
Shark Jaws, by Horror
Games (1975)
Sheriff, by Nintendo
Shuuz, by Atari (1990)
Side Trak, by Exidy
Sinistar, by Williams
Skelagon, by
Nichibutsu (1983)
Skull and Crossbones,
by Atari (1989)
Sky Raider, by Atari
Skydiver, by Atari
Slither, by GDI (1982)
Smash TV, by Williams
Soccer, by Atari
Space Battle, by Hoei
Space Chaser, by Taito
Space Duel, by Atari
Space Dungeon, by
Taito (1982)
Space Firebird, by
Gremlin (1980)
Space Fortress, by
Elettronolo (1979)
Space Inv 2 Ckt, by
Midway (1980)
Space Inv Deluxe, by
Midway (1980)
Space Inv Trimline, by
Taito (1979)
Space Race, by Atari
Space Tactics, by
Gremlin (1980)
Spectar, by Exidy
Speed Freak, by
Vectorbeam (1979)
Splatterhouse, by
Atari (1989)
Sprint 1, by Atari
Sprint 2, by Atari
Sprint 4, by Atari
Spy Hunter, by Midway
Star Cruiser, by
Ramtek (1977)
Star Fire, by Exidy
Star Guards, by Bally
- Midway (1987)
Star Hawk, by
Cinematronics (1979)
Star Wars, by Atari
Stargate, by Williams
Starship One, by Atari
Steel Talons, by Atari
Stompin, by Bally -
Sente (1986)
STUN Runner, by Atari
Stunt Cycle, by Atari
Subroc 3D, by Sega
Subs, by Atari (1979)
Super Breakout, by
Atari (1978)
Super Bug, by Atari
Super Contra, by
Konami (1988)
Super Off Road, by
Leland (1985)
Super Space Attack, by
Gremlin (1979)
Super Speed Race, by
Midway (1979)
Super Tank, by
Survival, by Rock-Ola
Swimmer, by Centuri
Tago Conv Kits, by
Tail Gunner II, by
Exidy (1980)
Tank 8, by Atari
Tank II, by Atari -
Kee (1975)
Tank, by Atari - Kee
TARG V1-0, by Exidy
TARG V1-1, by Exidy
TEC Monitor
Tennis Tourney, by
Allied (1973)
The Electric YOYO, by
Taito (1982)
The Final Round, by
Konami (1988)
The Game Tree, by PSE
The Main Event, by
Konami (1988)
The Simpsons, by
Konami (1991)
Thief, by Pacific
Novelty (1982)
Time Pilot, by Konami
Toobin, by Atari
Top Landing, by Taito
Tora Tora, by Game
Plan (1980)
Tournament Table, by
Atari (1978)
Track and Field, by
Centuri (1983)
Triple Hunt, by Atari
Tunnel Hunt, by
Centuri (1982)
Turkey Shoot, by
Williams (1984)
Turtles In Time, by
Konami (1992)
TV Ping Pong, by
Chicago Coin (1973)
TX-1, by Atari (1984)
UFO Chase, by Electra
Ultra Tank, by Kee
Uni War S, by Irem
Up Your Alley, by
Cinematronics (1987)
Vanguard, by Centuri
Vendetta, by Konami
Venture, by Exidy
Vertigo, by Exidy
Victory, by Exidy
Video Pinball, by
Atari (1979)
Video Pool, by US
Billiards (1975)
Vigilante, by Data
East (1988)
Viper, by Leland
Warp Warp, by Rock-Ola
WG 19V1001
WG 4600
WG 6100 (tm183-2)
WG 6100 (tm183-3)
WG 6401
Winner (PONG) Midway
Yie Ar Kung-Fu
Zarzon, by Taito
Zaxxon, by Sega (1982)
Zero Hour, by
Universal (1980)
Zoar, by Data East -
Tago (1982)
Zookeeper, by Taito
Zwackery, by Bally
Voice Communications Inc. Since 1983 |
Last Modified :07/01/14 04:17 PM |